New impulses around the sustainable production and marketing of plants
The water reservoir system of Hawita-technoplant is ingeniously simple and therefore just awesome. A plate separates the water reservoir from the potting soil (substrate). Hereby we keep the roots well-drained and avoid waterlogging and roting.
Air So Pure® Phlebodium Davana™ is an extraordinary blue fern which purifies the air with its serrated, grey-blue leaves.
Blijplantje Detox ( Jiaogulan), also called "immortality herb" and also known from Chinese and Ayurvedic herbalism will be presented.
The company presents the software for the plant administation and trade for horticulture.
Pellens presents its Hydrangea variety: Hydrangea macrophylla, Hydrangea paniculata, Hydrangea arborescens, Hortensia, Everbloom, You&Me and Schloss Moyland.
Plan your visit to the trade fair!